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Geolocation Targeting To Engage Customers Better

Beyond mapping customer
locations: customer analytics

Imagine what you can do with customer data that includes not just names and addresses but also details about your relationship with the customer, their history, how they interact with your store, activities performed and more. AiTrillion makes all these things a reality. Just in a click, you can know all of your customer’s details.


Make Location Heart Of Your Marketing

Maps Of Customer Locations Can Reveal Valuable Information About The Scope Of Your Business And Customer Base — Patterns, Gaps, Saturation, etc. — That Can Help Focus Your Sales And Advertising Efforts.


Localise Content

Provide location-relevant content to all your customers.

Personalized Offers

Send hyper-location offers to your customers living in one region.

Enhance Analytics

Better behavior predictions of your customers based on geo-segments.

Your customers are here

AiTrillion has a location-based marketing platform that will help you and your businesses unlock geo-social data to acquire
and engage high-value customers.



Acquire customers through highly targeted campaigns.


More personal and valuable way to interact with your customers.


Uncover hidden insights to understand your customers better.


Acquire valuable customer insights. For the purpose of marketing, every data point is an opportunity. Identify, target and engage your unique audiences.

  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Run highly relevant, timely media campaigns.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Reduce customer acquisition costs by up to 60%.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Enhancement with geo-social data.


Elevate the customer experience. With AiTrillion, surprise and engage customers in ways that you have never imagined. Based on locations send timely relevant messages to customers.

  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Personalised engagements.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Drive positive review and boost loyalty with real-time.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Leverage user-generated content.


Understand customer & competitor trends. Never miss an opportunity to dazzle your customers and understand competitor’s trends.

  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Analyze social content at your locations.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Gain insights from your competitor’s locations.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Identify influencer’s that are already at your locations.

How geolocation can help?

  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Immediate access to key data and geo-located information.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    You can design your marketing strategies on know-hows of the location.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Correlate and compare the customer data easily.
  • AiTrillion list-icon
    Exceptionally good for strategic planning.

Grow Your Customer Engagement, Lifetime Value, and Sales Faster.

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